山内志朗 Shiro Yamauchi
修道院でワインが大量につくられ、修道士たちの瞑想は、意外にもワインの杯を片手に行われていた。 「薔薇の名前」の舞台となった中世スコラ哲学の時代。ワインは神と対話する者たちにとって、重要な道具立てであったという。
Medieval monasteries made great quantities of wine, and the monks,
meditation was often carried out with a glass of wine in hand. This
was the medieval scholastic age we know from The Name of the Rose.
Wine was an important tool for men who wished to converse with God.
The Cistercian abbot Saint Bernard was famous for his asceticism,
but he was one of the first to recognize the mystical power of wine.
The nature of wine can be discovered in the thought of this man,
called the "Doctor Mellifluusr." |
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